Friday, August 26, 2011

How it all went down!

So I promised a couple of things in my last blog and I am here to deliver :)
Proposal story-
Ken and I were on a "staycation" this summer because we didn't have the money to go on a real vacation our of town style.  Ken was amazing and planned the whole thing!  We went camping for 5 days up in Bonneville with his family, when we got back on Thurs we went to my mom's work party (complete with bouncy houses, snow cones, and Goodwood BBQ) it was lots of fun!  Hot but fun!  Friday Ken had scheduled massages for both of us, and it was AMAZING, then shopping and out to dinner.  Saturday he had scheduled for us to go on the Thunder Mountain Rail Road murder mystery train ride!

  It was SO fun!  He had gotten us VIP ticket which means we had a fancy smancy four course meal (rolls and salad, garlic mushroom caps, rosemary chicken, and my favorite part the huckleberry cheesecake! OH IT WAS HEAVENLY)
  After we ate the murder mystery started.  It was about a clown that had been killed and so we got to meet all the people that could have been the murder.  It was fun, and I honestly had NO idea who had done it by the end. 
After the show had ended most of the people in the VIP car with us decided to go out to the private open air car and look at the scenery.  I've taken this ride a bazillion times and so has Ken (Not always on the train, but up camping etc) and we decided to stay in the air conditioning :)  As the train neared the station Ken grabbed something out of his pocket, stood up got down on one knee and said "Deanna will you marry me" By then I was BAWLING, and the waitress was bawling too!  I was so suprised!! I seriously had NO idea!  It was picture perfect, so amazing and I can't wait to be able to share my story one day with our kids :) The ring he picked out ended up being amazing too!  I was super proud of him for doing it all on his own too!  It was a little big and I was SO scared to put my hand out the window while driving home, for fear of it falling off! 
I sure do love this man. May 19th 2012 will be the day that he gets stuck with me FOREVER!!!
Alright enough of this mooshy stuff  On to the chicken cordon bleu
First start with 4 chicken breasts I put them in a bowl and marinate them with olive oil, fresh garlic, sea salt, and some italian seasoning.  I always use frozen breasts so I have to take them out in advance and sometimes I remember to do them at night :) 
After they are all nice and marinated preheat the oven to 375, place one breast between parchment paper, waxpaper or plastic wrap, use a rolling pin to flatten the breasts out.  You don't have to make it super thin, but you do have to roll yummy stuff inside! Flatten all 4 breasts this way
Once they are as thin as you would like, then you get to stuff delicious stuff inside! :)  Traditionally ham and cheese, but I have put onions and bacon, onions and cheese and really you could stuff it with whatever you want!  (block cheese is much easier than shredded, but I'm a fan of using what I have on hand!)
Now the rolling! the original recipe says you have to secure them with a toothpick, but if you don't have those, don't worry because if you put them roll side up you will be just fine!

Next are the breadcrumbs!  I use the ones that are already seasoned, but of course add my own seasonings.  I add a little seasalt, and some more italian seasoning (we don't use breadcrumbs very often, but they stay super fresh in the freezer).  The original recipe calls for spreading mustard or something on the outside so that the breadcrumbs will stick, I find that the breasts are already wet enough, but I have used ranch dressing  to add more flavor :)
Roll the entire rolled up chicken breasts in the breadcrumbs and place it on an ungreased cookie sheet.  I always add extra bread crumbs to the top because they are delicious!

Once you have all four breasts on the cookie sheet, take your spray oil and spray each breast.  Make sure you don't spray too close or too hard or all those delicious breadcrumbs will fall off!
Put these bad boys in the oven and cook for about 40minutes (just make sure they are all the way cooked inside!
Once they are cooked, pull them out and place on plates add something veggie or fruit and you have an amazing dinner :)
Final product should look a lil somethin like this
I promise these are super yummy and you will want to make them again and again! They are one of our fav dinners!
Thanks for reading!


As many of you already know, Ken and I are now engaged!!  I was asked to start a new blog so that I could share our story, share some delicious recipes, and share what is on my mind.. Can't say I didn't warn ya!

How Ken and I met- 
One night after I had moved home from Pocatello after my divorce, I decided that I would put an ad on Craigs List.  I figure I can list what I want and if they don't have what I want they can just move on.  I got lots of different types of emails.  Some were from guys that were oppoosite of what I was looking for, most looking for sex, a couple emails from OLD men wanting to be a sugar daddy (it did sound interesting not gona lie) and a couple normal sounding guys that I decided I would write back.  Ken's emails were light hearted and fun, they were also well written and he sounded like he had a brain (one of the things I wanted).  We sent emails back and forth (which I still have) started texting and then deicded we were going to meet.  Ken invited me to 20th century lanes to go bowling and then out to dinner.  I still remember what I wore that night.  A black shirt that had cute little pleats, blue jeans and a pair of brown shoes.  The reason I remember this is because I was dying that I was going to have to wear brown shoes with my black shirt!  The brown shoes were the only shoes I could find quickly that morning before I left for school that required socks.  We went to dinner at Burger and Brew and chatted the whole time, then went bowling.  We laughed and had a really good time.  I was so sad when the night came to an end because I really liked this tall, handsome, funny guys, but had NO idea if he liked me back. 
You know that awkward moment when you are saying goodbye and you don't know if you should shake hands, hug, wave or thousands of other options, oh ya we SO had ones of those.  I finally just gave him a hug and he said "I'd really like to see you again, um like tomorrow. What are you doing tomorrow?"
Tomorrow has turned in to almost 4 years later, and I love him more than I ever thought possible!  He is strong, smart, silly, kind, crazy, and everything I could have ever hoped for. 
This picture is before we got on the train so like 2 hours before proposal! I will add an amazing recipe for chicken cordon bleu and add my proposal story!
Thanks for reading!
Oh and I later found out that Ken is color blind so he had no idea I was wearing brown shoes with my black shirt! He really is PERFECT FOR ME!